Household savings forecast

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The household saving rate is defined as the share of household net disposable income that is saved. Household saving in the System of National Accounts (SNA) / European System of Accounts (ESA) system is defined as household net disposable income, less consumption, plus the change in net equity of households in pension funds. The household sector refers in most cases to the household sector (S14 in the System of National Accounts terminology) plus the non-profit institutions serving households (sector S15). Household net disposable income consists essentially of income from employment and from the operation of unincorporated enterprises, plus receipts of interest, dividends and social benefits minus payments of current taxes, interest and social contributions. Household consumption expenditure consists mainly of cash outlays for consumer goods and services. Most OECD countries follow the SNA 2008/ESA 2010 accounting frameworks. Forecast is based on an assessment of the economic climate in individual countries and the world economy, using a combination of model-based analyses and expert judgement. This indicator is measured as a percentage of household disposable income.

Household savings forecast




Definition of
Household savings forecast

The household saving rate is defined as the share of household net disposable income that is saved. Household saving in the System of National Accounts (SNA) / European System of Accounts (ESA) system is defined as household net disposable income, less consumption, plus the change in net equity of households in pension funds. The household sector refers in most cases to the household sector (S14 in the System of National Accounts terminology) plus the non-profit institutions serving households (sector S15). Household net disposable income consists essentially of income from employment and from the operation of unincorporated enterprises, plus receipts of interest, dividends and social benefits minus payments of current taxes, interest and social contributions. Household consumption expenditure consists mainly of cash outlays for consumer goods and services. Most OECD countries follow the SNA 2008/ESA 2010 accounting frameworks. Forecast is based on an assessment of the economic climate in individual countries and the world economy, using a combination of model-based analyses and expert judgement. This indicator is measured as a percentage of household disposable income.


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