Household financial transactions

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The indicator household net financial transactions represents the balancing item of the financial accounts of households (including non-profit institutions serving households). It is calculated as the difference, in a given period, between the net acquisition of financial assets (saving depostis, equity and shares, bonds, etc.) and the net incurrence of liabilities (especially mortgage loans and consumer credit). The indicator is measured as a percentage of net household disposable income.

Household financial transactions




Definition of
Household financial transactions

The indicator household net financial transactions represents the balancing item of the financial accounts of households (including non-profit institutions serving households). It is calculated as the difference, in a given period, between the net acquisition of financial assets (saving depostis, equity and shares, bonds, etc.) and the net incurrence of liabilities (especially mortgage loans and consumer credit). The indicator is measured as a percentage of net household disposable income.


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